# Data from United Nations geoscheme M49 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UN_M49) tag: UN002 UN Africa list: DZ,EG,LY,MA,SD,TN,EH,IO,BI,KM,DJ,ER,ET,TF,KE,MG,MW,MU,YT,MZ,RE,RW,SC,SO,SS,TZ,UG,ZM,ZW,AO,CM,CF,TD,CG,CD,GQ,GA,ST,BW,SZ,LS,NA,ZA,BJ,BF,CV,CI,GM,GH,GN,GW,LR,ML,MR,NE,NG,SH,SN,SL,TG tag: UN015 UN Northern Africa list: DZ,EG,LY,MA,SD,TN,EH tag: UN202 UN Sub-Saharan Africa list: IO,BI,KM,DJ,ER,ET,TF,KE,MG,MW,MU,YT,MZ,RE,RW,SC,SO,SS,TZ,UG,ZM,ZW,AO,CM,CF,TD,CG,CD,GQ,GA,ST,BW,SZ,LS,NA,ZA,BJ,BF,CV,CI,GM,GH,GN,GW,LR,ML,MR,NE,NG,SH,SN,SL,TG tag: UN014 UN Eastern Africa list: IO,BI,KM,DJ,ER,ET,TF,KE,MG,MW,MU,YT,MZ,RE,RW,SC,SO,SS,TZ,UG,ZM,ZW tag: UN017 UN Middle Africa list: AO,CM,CF,TD,CG,CD,GQ,GA,ST tag: UN018 UN Southern Africa list: BW,SZ,LS,NA,ZA tag: UN011 UN Western Africa list: BJ,BF,CV,CI,GM,GH,GN,GW,LR,ML,MR,NE,NG,SH,SN,SL,TG tag: UN019 UN Americas list: AI,AG,AW,BS,BB,BQ,KY,CU,CW,DM,DO,GD,GP,HT,JM,MQ,MS,PR,BL,KN,LC,MF,VC,SX,TT,TC,VG,VI,BZ,CR,SV,GT,HN,MX,NI,PA,AR,BO,BV,BR,CL,CO,EC,FK,GF,GY,PY,PE,GS,SR,UY,VE,BM,CA,GL,PM,US tag: UN419 UN Latin America and the Caribbean list: AI,AG,AW,BS,BB,BQ,KY,CU,CW,DM,DO,GD,GP,HT,JM,MQ,MS,PR,BL,KN,LC,MF,VC,SX,TT,TC,VG,VI,BZ,CR,SV,GT,HN,MX,NI,PA,AR,BO,BV,BR,CL,CO,EC,FK,GF,GY,PY,PE,GS,SR,UY,VE tag: UN029 UN Caribbean list: AI,AG,AW,BS,BB,BQ,KY,CU,CW,DM,DO,GD,GP,HT,JM,MQ,MS,PR,BL,KN,LC,MF,VC,SX,TT,TC,VG,VI tag: UN013 UN Central America list: BZ,CR,SV,GT,HN,MX,NI,PA tag: UN005 UN South America list: AR,BO,BV,BR,CL,CO,EC,FK,GF,GY,PY,PE,GS,SR,UY,VE tag: UN021 Northern America list: BM,CA,GL,PM,US tag: UN010 UN Antarctica list: AQ tag: UN142 UN Asia list: KZ,KG,TJ,TM,UZ,CN,HK,JP,KP,KR,MO,MN,TW,BN,KH,ID,LA,MY,MM,PH,SG,TH,TL,VN,AF,BD,BT,IN,IR,MV,NP,PK,LK,AM,AZ,BH,CY,GE,IQ,IL,JO,KW,LB,OM,PS,QA,SA,SY,TR,AE,YE tag: UN143 UN Central Asia list: KZ,KG,TJ,TM,UZ tag: UN030 UN Eastern Asia list: CN,HK,JP,KP,KR,MO,MN,TW tag: UN035 UN South-eastern Asia list: BN,KH,ID,LA,MY,MM,PH,SG,TH,TL,VN tag: UN034 UN Southern Asia list: AF,BD,BT,IN,IR,MV,NP,PK,LK tag: UN145 UN Western Asia list: AM,AZ,BH,CY,GE,IQ,IL,JO,KW,LB,OM,PS,QA,SA,SY,TR,AE,YE tag: UN150 UN Europe list: BY,BG,CZ,HU,MD,PL,RO,RU,SK,UA,AX,DK,EE,FO,FI,GG,IS,IE,IM,JE,LV,LT,NO,SJ,SE,GB,AL,AD,BA,HR,GI,GR,VA,IT,MT,ME,MK,PT,SM,RS,SI,ES,AT,BE,FR,DE,LI,LU,MC,NL,CH,XK tag: UN151 UN Eastern Europe list: BY,BG,CZ,HU,MD,PL,RO,RU,SK,UA tag: UN154 UN Northern Europe list: AX,DK,EE,FO,FI,GG,IS,IE,IM,JE,LV,LT,NO,SJ,SE,GB tag: UN039 UN Southern Europe list: AL,AD,BA,HR,GI,GR,VA,IT,MT,ME,MK,PT,SM,RS,SI,ES,XK tag: UN155 UN Western Europe list: AT,BE,FR,DE,LI,LU,MC,NL,CH tag: UN009 UN Oceania list: AU,CX,CC,HM,NZ,NF,FJ,NC,PG,SB,VU,GU,KI,MH,FM,NR,MP,PW,UM,AS,CK,PF,NU,PN,WS,TK,TO,TV,WF tag: UN053 UN Australia and New Zealanda list: AU,CX,CC,HM,NZ,NF tag: UN054 UN Melanesia list: FJ,NC,PG,SB,VU tag: UN057 UN Micronesia list: GU,KI,MH,FM,NR,MP,PW,UM tag: UN061 UN Polynesia list: AS,CK,PF,NU,PN,WS,TK,TO,TV,WF # Others lists from wikipedia tag: STHC Southern Cone list: AR,CL,UY tag: GUIA The Guianas list: GF,GY,SR tag: BLVR Bolivarian countries list: BO,CO,EC,PA,PE,VE tag: MANT Mayor Antilles list: KY,CU,DO,HT,JM,PR tag: LANT Lesser Antilles list: AI,AG,AW,BB,BQ,CW,DM,GD,GP,MQ,MS,BL,KN,LC,MF,VC,SX,TT,VG,VI tag: LCYA Lucayan Archipelago list: BS,TC tag: BLCS Balcans list: AL,BA,BG,XK,ME,MK,HR,GR,RS tag: SCND Scandinavia list: DK,NO,SE tag: BLTC Baltic states list: EE,LV,LT tag: NRDC Nordics list: DK,NO,SE,FI,FO,IS,GL tag: BNLX Benelux list: BE,NL,LU tag: LVNT Levant list: CY,IL,JO,LB,PS,SY tag: MSHR Mashriq list: EG,SD,BH,IQ,JO,KW,LB,OM,PS,QA,SA,SY,AE,YE tag: HOAF Horn of Africa list: DJ,ER,ET,SO tag: MGHR Maghreb list: DZ,LY,MA,MR,TN,EH tag: ARBC Arab Countries list: EG,SD,BH,IQ,JO,KW,LB,OM,PS,QA,SA,SY,AE,YE,DZ,LY,MA,MR,TN,EH,DJ,SO # List from Limits of oceans and seas (1953) of International Hydrographic Organization, IHO. tag: IHO1 Baltic Sea region: 9.8408/30.3471/53.6016/65.9071 tag: IHO1A Gulf of Bothnia region: 17.0391/25.5092/59.6203/65.9071 tag: IHO1B Gulf of Finland region: 22.8971/30.3471/59.2154/60.7428 tag: IHO1C Gulf of Riga region: 21.7686/24.5891/56.9611/59.228 tag: IHO2 Kattegat, Sund and Belts region: 9.4208/13.0691/54.6339/58.3496 tag: IHO3 Skagerrak region: 7.0674/11.7057/57.1029/59.9196 tag: IHO4 North Sea region: -4.4442/9.8358/50.9337/61.0279 tag: IHO5 Greenland Sea region: -36.8807/17.3984/65.0863/83.5812 tag: IHO6 Norwegian Sea region: -13.4975/25.7691/60.8621/76.5628 tag: IHO7 Barents Sea region: 16.5815/68.5558/66.8165/81.827 tag: IHO8 White Sea region: 31.8693/44.5868/63.7814/68.652 tag: IHO9 Kara Sea region: 55.0811/104.6984/66.195/81.4567 tag: IHO10 Laptev Sea region: 95.7028/141.3088/70.6804/81.233 tag: IHO11 East Siberian Sea region: 138.9259/181.4047/68.7637/77.1251 tag: IHO12 Chukchi Sea region: 177.4904/203.5186/65.9582/71.8072 tag: IHO13 Beaufort Sea region: -156.6414/-122.6044/68.6399/76.3511 tag: IHO14 The Northwestern Passages region: -128.0315/-72.0472/63.7841/81.7026 tag: IHO14A Baffin Bay region: -82.22/-50.5212/69.6167/82.4578 tag: IHO15 Davis Strait region: -70.0622/-44.4659/59.8929/70.0729 tag: IHO15A Labrador Sea region: -64.3026/-43.6916/47.3864/60.3529 tag: IHO16 Hudson Bay region: -94.9725/-76.5194/51.1325/66.0558 tag: IHO16A Hudson Strait region: -80.9548/-64.4327/58.0019/64.9028 tag: IHO17 Arctic Ocean region: -180/180/71.3861/90 tag: IHO17A Lincoln Sea region: -69.8272/-34.4674/81.6035/83.7349 tag: IHO18 Inner Seas of the West Coast of Scotland region: -8.2827/-4.4275/54.3458/58.6227 tag: IHO19 Irish Sea and St. George's Channel region: -6.5075/-2.6809/51.902/55.0079 tag: IHO20 Bristol Channel region: -4.9268/-2.3475/50.9879/51.8171 tag: IHO21 English Channel region: -5.7017/1.7171/48.4962/51.1388 tag: IHO21A Celtic Sea region: -11.5/-4.1575/46.4999/52.2637 tag: IHO22 Bay of Biscay region: -7.8779/-0.5071/43.2754/47.9129 tag: IHO23 North Atlantic Ocean region: -83.0154/6.6672/0/68.6446 tag: IHO24 Gulf of St. Lawrence region: -66.7955/-54.7037/45.3229/52.2212 tag: IHO25 Bay of Fundy region: -67.2162/-63.3772/44.0965/45.9759 tag: IHO26 Gulf of Mexico region: -97.8911/-80.3721/18.0608/30.7751 tag: IHO27 Caribbean Sea region: -88.9369/-59.3818/7.9049/22.7054 tag: IHO28 Mediterranean Sea region: -6.0319/36.2093/30.2662/45.7946 tag: IHO28-1 Mediterranean Sea Western Basin region: -6.0319/12.4233/35.0729/44.4271 tag: IHO28A Strait of Gibraltar region: -6.0319/-5.2934/35.7787/36.1871 tag: IHO28B Alboran Sea region: -5.358/-1.1929/35.0729/36.8404 tag: IHO28C Balearic region: -0.3413/4.2896/38.6491/41.8921 tag: IHO28D Ligurian Sea region: 7.5327/9.848/43.0096/44.4271 tag: IHO28-2 Mediterranean Sea Eastern Basin region: 8.6488/36.2093/30.2662/45.7946 tag: IHO28E Tyrrhenian Sea region: 8.6488/16.2213/37.804/44.1096 tag: IHO28F Ionian Sea region: 15.0829/23.2254/36.4025/40.5204 tag: IHO28G Adriatic Sea region: 12.1412/20.0178/39.7433/45.7946 tag: IHO28H Aegean Sea region: 22.527/28.3354/35.1104/41.0121 tag: IHO29 Sea of Marmara region: 26.1768/29.9396/40.0007/41.2289 tag: IHO30 Black Sea region: 27.3062/41.7795/40.9088/46.8896 tag: IHO31 Sea of Azov region: 34.4654/39.3056/45.1026/47.2896 tag: IHO32 South Atlantic Ocean region: -69.5859/20.0001/-78.1357/0 tag: IHO33 Rio de La Plata region: -58.6354/-54.9421/-36.3705/-33.0671 tag: IHO34 Gulf of Guinea region: -7.5933/9.9871/-0.8521/6.6213 tag: IHO35 Gulf of Suez region: 32.3421/34.2454/27.455/29.9596 tag: IHO36 Gulf of Aqaba region: 34.3652/35.0028/27.9148/29.5494 tag: IHO37 Red Sea region: 33.6371/43.4978/12.457/28.1388 tag: IHO38 Gulf of Aden region: 42.5163/51.2766/10.3754/15.2137 tag: IHO39 Arabian Sea region: 51.0221/74.11/-0.6913/25.6254 tag: IHO40 Gulf of Oman region: 56.2663/61.7895/22.5146/25.9403 tag: IHO41 Gulf of Iran region: 47.7029/57.3412/23.9066/30.5146 tag: IHO42 Laccadive Sea region: 71.6776/80.5879/-0.6973/14.86 tag: IHO43 Bay of Bengal region: 78.9004/95.028/5.7586/22.7703 tag: IHO44 Andaman Sea region: 92.4012/98.8854/5.5393/17.5095 tag: IHO45 Indian Ocean region: 20/146.8363/-70.4284/10.4371 tag: IHO45A Mozambique Channel region: 32.4987/49.2412/-26.8459/-10.5048 tag: IHO46A Malacca Strait region: 95.4545/103.5111/0.8082/8.4087 tag: IHO46B Singapore Strait region: 103.342/104.5704/1.0737/1.4295 tag: IHO47 Gulf of Thailand region: 99.1404/105.115/6.1678/13.6088 tag: IHO48 East Indian Archipelago region: 104.5163/142.1638/-17.7271/13.4417 tag: IHO48A Sulu Sea region: 116.7363/123.4288/5.0187/13.4417 tag: IHO48B Celebes Sea region: 117.0137/125.6035/0.8079/7.8529 tag: IHO48C Molukka Sea region: 123.3129/128.5627/-1.8449/4.4804 tag: IHO48D Gulf of Tomini region: 120.0021/123.411/-1.433/0.5512 tag: IHO48E Halmahera Sea region: 127.5428/130.9321/-1.643/2.4925 tag: IHO48F Ceram Sea region: 125.9183/133.9979/-5.2785/-1.1774 tag: IHO48G Banda Sea region: 120.4683/133.1452/-8.9054/-0.8363 tag: IHO48H Arafura Sea region: 130.7663/142.1638/-17.7271/-2.9104 tag: IHO48I Timor Sea region: 122.8457/132.7629/-15.5171/-8.1735 tag: IHO48J Flores Sea region: 117.1665/122.9429/-8.7454/-5.5112 tag: IHO48K Gulf of Boni region: 120.1854/121.9048/-5.6198/-2.6212 tag: IHO48L Bali Sea region: 114.3379/117.1844/-9.0078/-7.009 tag: IHO48M Makassar Strait region: 115.9646/120.8354/-5.5991/1.3186 tag: IHO48N Java Sea region: 104.5163/119.4785/-7.8117/-2.5761 tag: IHO48O Savu Sea region: 118.4595/125/-10.9374/-8.2612 tag: IHO49 South China Sea region: 102.2449/122.1645/-3.2323/25.6196 tag: IHO50 Eastern China Sea region: 119.4437/131.1222/24.0539/33.2996 tag: IHO51 Yellow Sea region: 117.5454/126.9937/33.2905/41.0487 tag: IHO52 Japan Sea region: 125.8033/142.2558/32.5784/51.7393 tag: IHO53 Seto naikai region: 130.7446/135.4662/33.2329/34.8062 tag: IHO54 Sea of Okhotsk region: 135.1708/165.3086/43.2146/62.6946 tag: IHO55 Bering Sea region: 161.8907/203.1583/51.1/66.542 tag: IHO56 Philippine Sea region: 120.0975/147.792/2.4988/35.1464 tag: IHO57 North Pacific Ocean region: 128.6837/282.9774/0/58.198 tag: IHO58 Gulf of Alaska region: -163.3759/-136.6175/54.2919/61.5222 tag: IHO59 Coastal Waters of Southeast Alaska and British Columbia region: -137.1465/-122.178/47.0364/59.4818 tag: IHO60 Gulf of California region: -114.9552/-106.7959/22.8807/31.8843 tag: IHO61 South Pacific Ocean region: 130.1054/292.7333/-78.5704/1.9001 tag: IHO62 Great Australian Bight region: 117.6312/146.2304/-43.5578/-31.4646 tag: IHO62A Bass Strait region: 143.5167/149.915/-41.2604/-37.4888 tag: IHO63 Tasman Sea region: 146.8289/175.2717/-50.8804/-30 tag: IHO64 Coral Sea region: 141.042/170.1864/-30/-7.3879 tag: IHO65 Solomon Sea region: 146.9454/162.3552/-11.8361/-4.8344 tag: IHO66 Bismarck Sea region: 141.9999/152.8762/-5.9654/-1.0702 # Other seas tag: SOCE Southern Ocean region: -180/180/-78.570361/-60 tag: SRGS Sargasso Sea region: -70/-40/20/35 # List of larger lakes based on area (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_lakes_by_area). Limits from GSHHG. tag: CSPS Caspian Sea region: 46.68/54.766/36.58/47.115 tag: GRLK Great Lakes region: -92.11/-75.763/41.388/49.022 tag: LSUP Lake Superior region: -92.11/-84.351/46.42/49.022 tag: LVIC Victoria Lake region: 31.61/34.851/-3.014/0.492 tag: LHUR Lake Huron region: -84.754/-79.66/43.015/46.553 tag: LMIC Lake Michigan region: -88.045/-84.753/41.621/46.109 tag: LTAN Lake Tanganyika region: 29.045/31.201/-8.803/-3.337 tag: LBAI Lake Baikal region: 103.706/109.965/51.465/55.789 tag: GRBL Great Bear Lake region: -125.123/-117.459/64.805/67.047 tag: LMAL Lake Malawi region: 33.895/35.29/-14.406/-9.483 tag: GRSL Great Slave Lake region: -117.684/-108.9/60.831/62.953 tag: LERI Lake Erie region: -83.464/-78.861/41.388/43.103 tag: LWIN Lake Winnipeg region: -99.251/-96.258/50.378/54.415 tag: LONT Lake Ontario region: -79.776/-75.763/43.188/44.503 tag: LLAD Lake Ladoga region: 29.796/32.956/59.899/61.777 tag: NGNI New Guinea Island region: 130.93/150.877/-10.705/-0.339 tag: BRNI Borneo Island region: 108.845/119.275/-4.185/7.035 tag: BFFI Baffin Island region: -89.543/-61.263/61.863/73.737 tag: SMTI Sumatra Island region: 95.195/106.087/-5.945/5.661 tag: HNSI Honshu Island region: 130.862/142.07/33.435/41.546 tag: VCTI Victoria Island region: -119.123/-100.846/68.461/73.378 tag: GBRI Great Britain Island region: -6.231/1.766/49.957/58.673 tag: ELLI Ellesmere Island region: -91.912/-61.101/76.131/83.213 tag: SLWI Sulawesi Island region: 118.753/125.252/-5.707/1.756 tag: SNZI South Island region: 166.425/174.319/-46.679/-40.499 tag: JAVI Java Island region: 105.206/114.603/-8.782/-5.875 tag: NNZI North Island region: 172.644/178.553/-41.615/-34.396 tag: LZNI Luzon Island region: 119.748/124.195/12.535/18.653 tag: NWFI Newfoundland Island region: -59.412/-52.622/46.611/51.631 tag: MNDI Mindanao Island region: 121.896/126.605/5.555/9.828 tag: IRLI Ireland Island region: -10.484/-5.431/51.445/55.382 tag: HKKI Hokkaido Island region: 139.767/145.818/41.396/45.523 tag: SKHI Sakhalin Island region: 141.622/144.746/45.893/54.429 tag: BNKI Banks Island region: -126.044/-115.339/71.173/74.654 tag: DVNI Devon Island region: -96.971/-79.349/74.455/77.07 tag: ALXI Alexander Island region: -75.442/-68.16/-72.68/-68.78 tag: TDFI Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego region: -72.023/-65.114/-55.055/-52.47 tag: SVRI Severny Island region: 53.659/69.172/73.244/77.006 tag: BRKI Berkner Island region: -54.415/-42.929/-80.902/-77.771 tag: AXHI Axel Heiberg Island region: -96.742/-84.878/78.135/81.38 tag: MLVI Melville Island region: -117.664/-105.356/74.402/76.837 tag: SMPI Southampton Island region: -87.229/-80.134/63.098/65.924 tag: MRJI Marajo Island region: -50.815/-48.385/-1.836/-0.096 tag: SPTI Spitsbergen Island region: 10.665/21.532/76.556/80.059 tag: KYSI Kyushu Island region: 129.552/132.086/30.995/33.965 tag: NWBI New Britain Island region: 148.306/152.405/-6.318/-4.135 tag: PRWI Prince of Wales Island region: -102.752/-96.268/71.279/73.953 tag: YZHI Yuzhny Island region: 51.406/57.611/70.545/73.429 tag: VNCI Vancouver Island region: -128.435/-123.265/48.308/50.877 tag: TMRI Timor Island region: 123.453/127.305/-10.373/-8.33 tag: SCLI Sicily Island region: 12.421/15.653/36.65/38.303 tag: EASI Easter Island region: -109.455/-109.231/-27.198/-27.054 tag: AZRI Azores Islands region: -31.267/-24.73/36.927/39.727 tag: CNRI Canary Islands region: -18.168/-13.333/27.636/29.415 tag: GLPI Galapagos Islands region: -92.012/-89.24/-1.407/1.666 tag: MDRI Madeira Archipelago region: -17.264/-15.853/30.026/33.125 tag: BLRI Baleares Islands region: 1.188/4.329/38.641/40.095 # Geography regions from Natural Earth (1:110). tag: SAM South America region: -81.3288/-34.7938/-55.9805/12.4645 tag: AFR Africa region: -17.5338/51.4154/-34.8304/37.3496 tag: ASI Asia region: 26.0687/190.359/-10.9996/81.2805 tag: EUR Europe region: -10.4842/66.9097/34.802/71.1838 tag: NAM North America region: -168.132/-52.6217/15.6519/83.5996 tag: MLNS Melanesia region: 130.93/184.99/-22.7146/-0.338556 tag: MCNS Micronesia region: 130.158/179.734/-4.44378/21.3267 tag: PLNS Polynesia region: 166.42/250.769/-48.0195/23.5797 tag: MLYA Malay Archipelago region: 94/130/-12/22 tag: GDRG Great Dividing Range region: 142.4/153.6/-39/-12 tag: ALP Alps Mountains region: 4.8/16.4/43.6/48.2 tag: TIAN Tian Shan region: 72/96/39.6/44.2 tag: URAL Ural Mountains region: 56/67.2/51.2/68.4 tag: CCSM Caucasus Mountains region: 37.2/49.6/40.2/45.2 tag: HMLY Himalayas Mountains region: 75/96/26.8/34 tag: ANDM Andes Mountains region: -80.8/-62.8/-56/12 tag: RCKM Rocky Mountains region: -128/-104/35/60 tag: NCNP North China Plain region: 113/122/30/40.4 tag: KZST Kazakh Steppe region: 52/86/46.6/55.6 tag: NEUP Northern European Plain region: -6/68/43/70 tag: GRPL Great Plains region: -114.4/-95.2/28/55 tag: CONB Congo Basin region: 11.6/31.2/-12/10 tag: AMZB Amazon Basin region: -80/-46/-21/5 tag: IDCP Indochina Peninsula region: 93.2/109.6/8.4/27.2 tag: ARAP Arabian Peninsula region: 34/60/12.4/31.2 tag: GOBD Gobi Desert region: 94/118/37.8/47.8 tag: SHRD Sahara Desert region: -18/40/9/35 tag: WEPL Western Plateau region: 115/136/-30.2/-20.6 tag: IBRP Iberian Peninsula region: -9.6/3.6/36/43.8 tag: TBTP Tibetan Plateau region: 73/105/26.8/40.4 tag: CEAM Central America region: -95.6/-77.6/7.2/21.6 tag: SBRP Siberia Peninsula region: 68/154/49/74 tag: EANT East Antarctica region: 0/180/-90/-65 tag: WANT West Antarctica region: -180/0/-90/-61 tag: ANTP Antarctic Peninsula region: -72/-56.8/-74.8/-63.2 tag: GRSI Greater Sunda Islands region: 94/126/-9.6/7.6 tag: ARTA Arctic Archipelago region: -128/-60/60/84 # Continental sector of some countries tag: CRC Continental Costa Rica region: 274.049382/277.443941/8.032905/11.216727 tag: ECC Continental Ecuador region: 278.921186/284.815170/-4.998823/1.438945 tag: PTC Continental Portugal region: -9.56/-6.18/36.955/42.16 tag: ESC Continental Spain region: -9.290919/4.315019/35.185219/43.791472